
Kamogawa House: A traditional Japanese house with a joined wooden frame and tsuchikabe walls
伝統工法石場建ての平屋建て住宅 通り庭の台所と板の間 小判型木桶の浴槽 通り庭の台所と板の間 日本家屋の床の間 惺々舎
日本家屋の縁側 日本家屋・夜の室内風景 木の浴室・木桶の浴槽 width= 伝統工法石場建ての平屋建て住宅 伝統構法石場建ての平屋建て住宅
伝統工法 石場建ての構造俯瞰図面 伝統工法の建前・大黒柱と丸太梁 伝統構法の建前・赤松の丸太梁 伝統構法石場建ての建前・木組み構造 伝統工法 石場建ての構造・荒壁塗り
Type: New house
Location: Kamogawa-shi, Chiba
Method: Traditional Japanese wooden construction
Tsuchikabe walls reinforced by bamboo laths
Total floor area: 59.5 m2
Completed: 2011
Design/construction: Seyseysha

This Japanese one-story house is on the mountain in Kamogawa-shi, Chiba.
The house which produces an atmosphere of old Japanese-style house called Kominka, was built through traditional construction methods and granite cornerstones called ishibadate (a setup where pillars stand on stones instead of being fixed deep into the ground).
It’s adopted a compact plan of the old farmer’s house that reminds us a good old days.

By taking large opening parts on three sides, the wind passes through pleasantly from the south porch into the whole house.
To take in some vegetables which they grows from their garden directly, the kitchen is on an earth floor in the house.
A bath is an old style wooden bath tub and they heat the water by firewood.

For the building materials, we used solid cedar, cypress, red pine, and chestnut, all from Japan. All the walls follow the age-old form: clay reinforced by bamboo laths. It’s an ultimate ecological house that live close together with around nature. A family of four lives in the house.

(This house appeared in the December 2011 issue of Jūtaku Kenchiku and Issue 44 of Sumu.)